[Prestashop help] How to 39 Prestashop Email Templates works in the Prestashop?
1. Email template: guest_to_customer.html, guest_to_customer.txt
When does this email send?
- In Prestashop Backoffice, go to Customers menu, Click to view a Customer Information, click Transform to a customer account button, the “guest_to_customer” email will be sent to this Guest account
- When you receive any emails from a Prestashop Store, if your email is a Guest account, you can view a message in email footer like “If you have a guest account, you can follow your order via the…”, if you click on Gu
est Tracking link, it will redirect to a Prestashop Store and automatic transform your account from Guest to a Customer account -> the “guest_to_customer” email will be sent.
What is PHP file execute this function?
- PHP file: classes\Customer.php
2. Email template: account.html, account.txt
When does this email send?
- After an New user registered in Prestashop website, an “account” email will be sent to welcome this account as “Thank you for creating a customer account at…”
- After a Guest account click “Guest Tracking” in any email’s footer.
What is PHP file execute this function?
- PHP file: classes\form\CustomerPersister.php
3. Email template: in_transit.html, in_transit.txt
When does this email send?
- When you update Shipping information of an Order through Prestashop Web Service.
- When you update Shipping information (tracking number, shipping cost…) from Backoffice with an admin account.
What is PHP file execute this function?
- PHP file: classes\order\OrderCarrier.php
4. Email template: download_product.html, download_product.txt
When does this email send?
- When an Order is changed it’s status, example an Order changed status from Awaiting check to Payment accepted, if this Order have at least one Virtual Product, a “download_product” email will be sent.
What is PHP file execute this function?
- PHP file: classes\order\OrderHistory.php
5. Email template: bankwire.html, bankwire.txt
When does this email send?
- After an Order added/updated it’s Status or Quantity of Product in Order, if the status is Awaiting bank wire payment, a “bankwite” email will sent.
What is PHP file execute this function?
- PHP file: classes\order\OrderHistory.php
- Method: sendEmail, line if (!Mail::Send((int) $order->id_lang, $result[‘template’],$topic…
6. Email template: cashondelivery.html, cashondelivery.txt
When does this email send?
- After an Order added/updated it’s Status or Quantity of Product in Order, if the status is Awaiting Cash On Delivery validation, a “cashondelivery” email will sent.
What is PHP file execute this function?
- PHP file: classes\order\OrderHistory.php
- Method: sendEmail, line if (!Mail::Send((int) $order->id_lang, $result[‘template’],$topic…
7. Email template: cheque.html, cheque.txt
When does this email send?
- After an Order added/updated it’s Status or Quantity of Product in Order, if the status is Awaiting check payment, a “cheque” email will sent.
What is PHP file execute this function?
- PHP file: classes\order\OrderHistory.php
- Method: sendEmail, line if (!Mail::Send((int) $order->id_lang, $result[‘template’],$topic…
8. Email template: order_canceled.html, order_canceled.txt
When does this email send?
- After an Order added/updated it’s Status or Quantity of Product in Order, if the status is Canceled, a “order_canceled” email will sent.
What is PHP file execute this function?
- PHP file: classes\order\OrderHistory.php
- Method: sendEmail, line if (!Mail::Send((int) $order->id_lang, $result[‘template’],$topic…
9. Email template: outofstock.html, outofstock.txt
When does this email send?
- After an Order added/updated it’s Status or Quantity of Product in Order, if the status is Awaiting bank wire payment, a “outofstock” email will sent.
What is PHP file execute this function?
- PHP file: classes\order\OrderHistory.php
- Method: sendEmail, line if (!Mail::Send((int) $order->id_lang, $result[‘template’],$topic…
10. Email template: payment.html, payment.txt
When does this email send?
- After an Order added/updated it’s Status or Quantity of Product in Order, if the status is Payment accepted or Remote payment accepted, a “payment” email will sent.
What is PHP file execute this function?
- PHP file: classes\order\OrderHistory.php
- Method: sendEmail, line if (!Mail::Send((int) $order->id_lang, $result[‘template’],$topic…
11. Email template: payment_error.html, payment_error.txt
When does this email send?
- After an Order added/updated it’s Status or Quantity of Product in Order, if the status is Payment error, a “payment_error” email will sent.
What is PHP file execute this function?
- PHP file: classes\order\OrderHistory.php
- Method: sendEmail, line if (!Mail::Send((int) $order->id_lang, $result[‘template’],$topic…
12. Email template: preparation.html, preparation.txt
When does this email send?
- After an Order added/updated it’s Status or Quantity of Product in Order, if the status is Processing in progress, a “preparation” email will sent.
What is PHP file execute this function?
- PHP file: classes\order\OrderHistory.php
- Method: sendEmail, line if (!Mail::Send((int) $order->id_lang, $result[‘template’],$topic…
13. Email template: refund.html, refund.txt
When does this email send?
- After an Order added/updated it’s Status or Quantity of Product in Order, if the status is Refunded, a “refund” email will sent.
What is PHP file execute this function?
- PHP file: classes\order\OrderHistory.php
- Method: sendEmail, line if (!Mail::Send((int) $order->id_lang, $result[‘template’],$topic…
14. Email template: shipped.html, shipped.txt
When does this email send?
- After an Order added/updated it’s Status or Quantity of Product in Order, if the status is Shipped, a “shipped” email will sent.
What is PHP file execute this function?
- PHP file: classes\order\OrderHistory.php
- Method: sendEmail, line if (!Mail::Send((int) $order->id_lang, $result[‘template’],$topic…
15. Email template: voucher.html, voucher.txt
When does this email send?
1st Case: After a New Order is created (completed to Checkout steps) If:
- This Order is not multi-shipping
- And the value of the voucher is greater than the total of the order
- And partial use is allowed
- And this is an “amount” reduction, not a reduction in % or a gift
Then The voucher is cloned with a new value corresponding to the remainder. For an example: you have a coupon code is “ABC123” that have amount $300, but your new order have amount is $210, the Prestashop will apply “pres123” coupon for this Order (now your order amount is $0 = Free), then it create a New coupon code “XYZ867” with remain amount: $300 – $210 = $90 and send this New coupon to you -> a “voucher” email will sent.
2nd Case: When an Order is refunded, a voucher will be refunded too -> a “voucher” email will sent.
What is PHP file execute this function?
- classes\PaymentModule.php
- controllers\admin\AdminOrdersController.php
16. Email template: order_conf.html, order_conf.txt
When does this email send?
- After an Order is created, an “order_conf” email will sent to customer.
What is PHP file execute this function?
- PHP file: classes\PaymentModule.php
17. Email template: log_alert.html, log_alert.txt
When does this email send?
- If the minimal severity level has been reached (example someone try to logged in admin account many times…, a “log_alert” email sent to the shop owner.
What is PHP file execute this function?
- PHP file: classes\PrestaShopLogger.php
18. Email template: forward_msg.html, forward_msg.txt
When does this email send?
- Step 1: Go to Prestashop Backoffice > Customer Service, click View a Message (there messages are stored when a customer submit Contact form in your Prestashop website, read more: Contact page in Prestashop website?)
- Step 2: Click Forward this discussion to another employee, choose an employer, click Forward button, an “forward_msg” email will be sent.
What is PHP file execute this function?
- PHP file: controllers\admin\AdminCustomerThreadsController.php
19. Email template: reply_msg.html, reply_msg.txt
When does this email send?
- Go to Prestashop Backoffice > Customer Service, click View a Message (there messages are stored when a customer submit Contact form in your Prestashop website, read more: Contact page in Prestashop website?)
- In Your answer to John DOE area, enter a your message to customer and click Send button
What is PHP file execute this function?
- PHP file: controllers\admin\AdminCustomerThreadsController.php
20. Email template: import.html, import.txt
When does this email send?
- When you have any errors while importing a categories, products… from Prestashop Importer, a “import” email will sent.
What is PHP file execute this function?
- PHP file: controllers\admin\AdminImportController.php
21. Email template: password_query.html, password_query.txt
When does this email send?
- Go to your Prestashop website, click Sign in to go to Sign in/ Sign up form, then click Forgot your password link. After you enter your email into Forgot your password form, click Send Reset link, a “password_query” email will sent.
- When click “Forgot Password” in Admin form for log in to backoffice
What is PHP file execute this function?
- controllers\admin\AdminLoginController.php
- controllers\front\PasswordController.php
22. Email template: password.html, password.txt
When does this email send?
- When you receive a “password_query” email (read 21th email template at above), Customer click on Confirm Password link in email
- Then, it redirect to a Reset your password form, enter your New password, click Change Password button. a “password” email will sent.
What is PHP file execute this function?
- PHP file: controllers\admin\AdminLoginController.php
23. Email template: order_merchant_comment.html, order_merchant_comment.txt
When does this email send?
- Go to Backoffice, click view an Order Detail, send a Message to customer, a “order_merchant_comment” email will sent.
What is PHP file execute this function?
- PHP file: controllers\admin\AdminOrdersController.php
24. Email template: credit_slip.html, credit_slip.txt
When does this email send?
- Go to Backoffice, click view an Order Detail, click Partial refund. When an Order is refunded, a “credit_slip” email will sent.
What is PHP file execute this function?
- PHP file: controllers\admin\AdminOrdersController.php
25. Email template: backoffice_order.html, backoffice_order.txt
When does this email send?
- When a new Order is created with status is “On backorder (not paid)”, a “backoffice_order” email will sent.
What is PHP file execute this function?
- PHP file: controllers\admin\AdminOrdersController.php
26. Email template: order_return_state.html, order_return_state.txt
When does this email send?
Step 1: Go to Backoffice > Customer Service > Merchandise Returns, Click view an Order
Step 2: Change Status and click Save
An “order_return_state” email will sent.
What is PHP file execute this function?
- PHP file: controllers\admin\AdminReturnController.php
27. Email template: order_customer_comment.html, order_customer_comment.txt
When does this email send?
- In Frontend, logged in and go to your Order History & Detail
- Click to view detail an Order
- Scroll to bottom, you can add a message to admin from “Add a Message” form
An “order_customer_comment” email will sent.
What is PHP file execute this function?
- PHP file: controllers\front\OrderDetailController.php
28. Email template: contact.html, contact_form.html
When does this email send?
- When a customer submit a Contact form in Prestashop website, a “contact_form” email will send to this customer for confirmation.
- Also a “contact” email will send to Shop owner at the same time.
- Read more: Contact page in Prestashop website?
What is PHP file execute this function?
- PHP file: modules\contactform\contactform.php
29. Email template: newsletter_verif.html, newsletter_voucher.html, newsletter_conf.html
When does this email send?
Step 1: Someone subscribed an email in Prestashop website
Step 2: An newsletter_verif.html email will send to user to confirm that: You are subscribed form yourself. Then user click a Verify Link in this email to confirmation.
Step 3: 2 emails of newsletter_voucher.html, newsletter_conf.html will send to user at the same time
What is PHP file execute this function?
- PHP file: modules\ps_emailsubscription\ps_emailsubscription.php
30. Email template: productoutofstock.html, productoutofstock.txt
When does this email send?
When you update a quantity of product, or change quantity in Stock Manager, if quantity < specified minimum number, also a “productoutofstock” email will send to Shop owner
What is PHP file execute this function?
- PHP file: src\Core\Stock\StockManager.php
31. Email template: order_conf_product_list.html, order_conf_product_list.txt
When does this email send?
This email template display a product list table in order_conf email when a new order created.
- order_conf_product_list.txt is used for {products_txt} variable
- order_conf_product_list.html is used fo {products} variable
What is PHP file execute this function?
PHP file: classes\PaymentModule.php
- Line 1: $product_list_txt = $this->getEmailTemplateContent(‘order_conf_product_list.txt’, Mail::TYPE_TEXT, $product_var_tpl_list);
- Line 2: $product_list_html = $this->getEmailTemplateContent(‘order_conf_product_list.tpl’,
32. Email template: order_conf_cart_rules.html, order_conf_cart_rules.txt
When does this email send?
This email template display a voucher list in order_conf email when a new order created.
- order_conf_cart_rules.txt is used for {discounts_txt} variable
- order_conf_cart_rules.html is used fo {discounts} variable
What is PHP file execute this function?
PHP file: classes\PaymentModule.php
- Line 1: $cart_rules_list_txt = $this->getEmailTemplateContent(‘order_conf_cart_rules.txt’, Mail::TYPE_TEXT, $cart_rules_list);
- Line 2: $cart_rules_list_html = $this->getEmailTemplateContent(‘order_conf_cart_rules.tpl’, Mail::TYPE_HTML, $cart_rules_list);
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Thank you for detailed list of emails.
If you want to disable any email notification in PrestaShop you can check out our module DISABLE EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS FOR PRESTASHOP