[Prestashop help] How to display Subcategories list on a Category page in Prestashop 1.7?
In Prestashop 1.6, when you view a Category page, Prestashop theme will display a categories list like image
But in Prestashop 1.7, the default theme (Classic theme) does not display subcategories, it display like image
But if you want display subcategories list on category page in Prestashop 1.7, you can follow step by step:
Note: this guide works for any Prestashop 1.7 themes (Not only Classic theme) because it is developed from Core of Prestashop.
Step 1: download file sub-categories.tpl at here
This file contains:
- Smarty source code (*.tpl) to display subcategories with category name, category image, category link, category description
- CSS code (inline <style> tag) to formatted Subcategories layout like Prestashop 1.6 (included responsive layout)
Upload this file into your a Prestashop theme by path:
Ex: PRESTASHOP_ROOT\themes\classic\templates\catalog\listing\
Step 2: Open the file:
Ex: PRESTASHOP_ROOT\themes\classic\templates\catalog\listing\product-list.tpl
Add this code to a placement where you want display subcategories list
{include file=’catalog/listing/sub-categories.tpl’}
See image
Step 3: Clear Cache your Prestashop website, when you view a Category page, it display like image
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