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Prestashop Invoice & Delivery Slips, Credit Slips Template Builder with Custom Number Pro


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(48 Reviews)

8,084 Sold

Software Version: PrestaShop, PrestaShop 1.6.0+, PrestaShop 1.6.1+, PrestaShop 1.7.x+, PrestaShop 8.x+

Compatible Browsers: IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome

Design Invoice/Delivery/Credit Slips/Supply Orders PDF requires no technical knowledge. Have a professional PDF template matching your brand identity. Include Custom Invoice, Delivery, Credit, Order Number. All you have to do is pay one time for this extension, no monthly cost.


Benefit for Merchant

  • Sales documents with well-design and layout can project a professional image of your company to customers.
  • More than 18+ Premium Templates
  • No technical knowledge, Step-by-step modify your PDF layout with Editor from Backoffice
  • Allow custom Invoice number, Delivery number, Credit Slips number, Supply Orders Order reference
  • Customize, Sort, Change Product Information, Product Columns, Product Text Color…
  • Preview in realtime while design PDF before use it
  • Allow to design PDF for invoice, credit slip, delivery slip, Supply Orders
  • Allow assign invoice template for difference group customer
  • Adjust Paper size for Invoice PDF
  • Compatible 100% with EU Law
  • SupportBarcode, Pagination, Gift cost, Gift message, Tax table...


  • Quickly create any Prestashop Invoice/Delivery/Credit Slips/Supply Orders Template for your company with Editor on Backoffice.
  • Customize, Sort, Change Product Information, Product Columns, Product Text Color… for Product List in Prestashop PDFTemplate
  • Allow custom Invoice number, Delivery number, Credit Slips number, Order reference from Backoffice
  • Design Header/Footer from backoffice with visual editor.
  • Compatible 100% with EU Law for invoice/delivery/credit slips/supply Orders: Display Shipping Cost, Discount in Products List (optional)
  • Support Landscape mode for PDF Invoive/Delivery/Credit slips/supply Orders (optional)
  • Support Barcode in Prestashop Invoice/Delivery/Credit Slips/Supply Orders Template
  • Support Gift cost, Gift message in Invoice/Delivery/Credit Slips/Supply Orders
  • Compatible with Pack Product (show all items of a Pack product) in Invoice/Delivery/Credit Slips/Supply Orders
  • Support Tax table for all country in EU ( show all Tax, Tax rate, Tax amount for Order, Shipping Cost)
  • Add Product Image, Product Sku, Product Discounted Price, Product Reference, Product Tax, Product Tax Rate... in our module
  • Automatic paging in PDF file
  • Support Page number in PDF file
  • Easy Print PDF invoices/Delivery/Credit Slips in frontend and backend
  • Support many types of paper size for Invoice/Delivery/Credit Slips Template.
  • Print Prestashop PDF Invoice/Delivery/Credit Slips/Supply Orders files with a few clicks
  • Support multiple stores, multiple languages, multiple currencies – Enable setting different PDF Invoice templates for different store views
  • Display full seller and buyer information on PDF documents
  • Show Company detailed information, including Name, Logo, Address, Email, Phone, Business ID, VAT Number and VAT Office in PDF Invoice/Delivery/Credit Slips Template.
  • Change background image, block background color and text color
  • Add free text to Sales Documents, including Footer, Notes, Terms and Conditions
  • Compatible multiple language.
  • Cache system…


  • Easy to install, easy to upgrade, just copy to use
  • Friendly and flexible configuration
  • HTML/CSS validation
  • Easy to customize front-end via HTML/CSS
  • Clean code

You can make an Invoice & Delivery Slips, Credit Slips, Supply Orders PDF Templates Like this

Very good module, very helpful team.

Très content de se module, l'équipe répond rapidement à mes questions et apporte des corrections rapidement
C'est parfait

Very happy with the module - works like a charm!

Great module and brilliant support. Thankyou

I was very happy with my transaction.
Response from Luong Nguyen was very quick, and really helpful!
I needed to upgrade my module to be compatible with prestashop but my problem was resolved almost immediately. I'm so glad I found buy addons company!
thanks Luong again.

The support was timely and the individual who worked to resolve my problem made a trying problem less troublesome. I highly recommend Buy Addons module. They delivered a great module.

Found the module I was looking for without too much time. Then I called to confirm product parts - once that was done, I purchased and rec'd my codes within about 20 minutes. A great buying experience and I'm going to purchase more.

Great module and support from the team. The have done the modification i request without any cost, thanks again!!!

Buying this module, and not working from the beginning, and seems it's very difficult to have new update or correction, the module was installed same i download, but in 1.6 - to latest 1.6.19 it's doesn't work correctly, no support, no update from the latest i buy v1.0.62 .
I am openning a ticket on their suport system. will change my review later if it works.

Complete and detailled written documentation.
Great work!


Change 1.0.29-> 1.1.11

Release Version 1.1.12

+ add eco tax columns

+ add tax for Gift-wrapping

+ add Gift-wrapping Tax, EcoTax to Tax table

+ edit invoice template when term too long

Release Version 1.1.13

+ add 2 token for HookPDF: displayPDFInvoice, displayPDFDeliverySlip

Release Version 1.1.14

+ fix non lating on product title columns

+ add Location field in product list

Release Version 1.1.15

- format date in PDf belong to format date of language

- include 18 invoice templates

Release Version 1.1.16

- fix lost header or footer when create multiple PDF

Release Version 1.1.17

- fix compatible 100% to Prestashop 1.7+

- changed ImageType::getFormatedName

- fix wrong small image in invoice

- display footer Text and pagination

Release Version 1.1.18

- fix getCombinationImageById function in prestashop <=

Release Version 1.1.19

- NEW feature: customer invoice, delivery, credit, order reference

- add debug mode

- fix mpdf for PHP 7 (__construct method)

Release Version 1.1.20

- fix static in override/classes/Mail.php

Release Version 1.1.21

- fix getNextNumber when reset =1 , ceil -> floor

- change [order_number], delivery number, credit number in PDF

- add n2br function for order_notes

- fix isNewsletterRegistered for Prestashop 1.7

Release Version 1.1.22

- translation all label, static text in token from Module Translation

Release Version 1.1.23

- fix DELIVERY when create delivery number

Release Version 1.1.24

- Compatible prestashop 1.7.3+

Release Version 1.1.25

- add design PDF for Credit Slip

- modify preview button

- move pictures to module

- backup file ADMIN_DIR/themes/ADMIN_TEMPLATE/template/controllers/orders/_documents.tpl => _documents.tpl.bak

- stop override in Mail.php class

- move mpdf to /libs

- add some token

- check admin permission when execute ajax

- speed up mpdf

Released version 1.1.26, 1.1.27

- Add Product Weight in products list

Released version 1.1.28

- add token [total_product_weight]: total weight all of products in an order

Released version 1.1.29, 1.1.30

- remove Shipping in order_subtotal

- fix Show discount in product list

Released version 1.1.31

- validate license for 2019

- compatible to Prestashop 1.7.5+

Released version 1.1.32

- allow setting Paper size for Invoice PDF

- allow design PDF for Supply Orders

- change debugs mode only work for admin

- set invoice, delivery, credit slip template for each group's customer

- update NEW document

Released version 1.1.33

- fix border-line CSS in 3 default template

Released version 1.1.34

- change order_slip->number to order_slip->id

Released version 1.1.35

- compatible to

Released version 1.1.36

- upgrade mpdf since 5.x to 8.x

- change round Tax Rate in PDF from 2 to 0 decimal

- chmod PDF preview after generated

- remove font-family:arial in PDFHTML Classes

- add new fields: Supplier Name, Supplier Reference, Manufacturer Name, Ean13, UPC, Location, Original Unit Price in Invoice, Delivery, Credit Products list

- stop configOldTplFile when install module, remove document.tpl

Released version 1.1.37

- update DejaVuSansMono, DejaVuSans font to mpdf

Released version 1.1.38

- fix HTML entities in Merchant RMA for Prestashop 1.7+

- update license of header file to 2020

- add time in URL when preview PDF

Released version 1.1.39

- add payment_fee to class Order

- fix token [payment_fee_tax_amount]

Released version 1.1.40

- fix PDF templates for deffrence customer when multiple languages

- update customnumber.tpl, getContent since 832, saveCustomSetting

- getMessagesByOrderId both public and private

- add 0 before [m], [d]

Released version 1.1.41

- fix [order_payment_method] in Delivery PDF

Released version 1.1.42

- add barcode C128B for product_reference in products list

- add ocrb10.ttf to ttfonts

Released version 1.1.43

- Compatible to Prestashop 1.7.7+

Released version 1.1.44

- fix unit price type = 4,11 for credit slip

- fix shipping cost for order slip

- update license header to 2021

Released version 1.1.45

- fix __construct in classes PDF.php

- add translation files

- delete translations directory

- compatible to 1.7.8+

Released version 1.1.46

- fix Notice Undefined index: table

- change controller=AdminPdf to _PS_ADMIN_DIR_ in Debug mode

- remove border-collapse: collapse of PDF templates in XML file

- fix change Status of PDF templates in HelperList

- remove vertical-align:right in invoice_11, invoice_14

Released version 1.1.47

- file HTMLTemplateOrderSlip.php remove $this->order_slip->total_discount_tax_incl

- change format of [order_message] token

- add token [total_product_quantity]

- change style Preview button for 1.7.8+

- change header license to 2022

- add [y] for 2 digit number of Year

- full translate module to 5 other languages

Released version 1.1.48

- change hookdisplayBackOfficeHeader function

- change file backoffice.tpl to fix display Number formatted in Order Detail

- add new option for reset counter number: the start of this year

- delete 5 languages file in modules\ba_prestashop_invoice

Released version 1.1.49

- change date_add to delivery_date for getNextNumber

- change [credit_number] from order_slip_id to number

- change product_price to original_product_price in contentType function of classes/pdf

Released version 1.1.50

- update mpdf to 8.1.1 for php 7.4+, 8.x+

- fix warning in getNextNumber lines 84

- fix SQL bad query after install

Released version 1.1.51

- change license header to 2023

- compatible to Prestashop 8.x+

- change Tools::jsonDecode to json_decode

- change Tools::jsonEncode to json_encode

- add [delivery_number] token in Invoice PDF

- allow [invoice_number] token in Delivery PDF

- allow [invoice_number], [delivery_number] tokens in Credit PDF

Released version 1.1.52

- fix get PDF template for default group: done

- fix notice: Creation of dynamic property ba_prestashop_invoice::$secure_key is deprecated

- convert ALL tax_rate to float in PDF, round function

- fix hookActionValidateOrder: change get Tax name, Tax Rate

- add defined('_PS_VERSION_') to all classes

- add .htaccess file to ROOT of module

- fix backoffice.tpl for show name of Delivery in Order Detail

Released version 1.1.53

- fix Argument 1 passed to TaxCalculatorCore::__construct() must be of the type array line 1606