Backend Demo
Provide 11 reports for sale, tax, profit, profit margin, order, brand, category, product…It allows you to view report from date to date you want and it also allows you to filter the report by order status, languages, currencies…
Improve the functionality of native Prestashop reports and create a complete picture of your business situation.
1.Slice and dice your sales statistics in any way you want.
2.It will even allow you to answer questions like "what percentage of total sales and / or profits does this specific brand, supplier or product category represent ?".
Release version 1.0.1
+ redesign backoffice
+ add download CSV file
Release version 1.0.2
+ fix function refineIdOrder in select query
Release version 1.0.3
+ fix total discount excl, total tax amount, net profit for discount
Release version 1.0.4
+ compatible 100% to Prestashop 1.7
+ fix carrier name in Report Full Tab
+ fix empty for getOrderState function in basic report
+ Translation all tpl file
+ show number item generated while loading
+ fix maintaince mode
Release version 1.0.5
+ fix does not Save config in Product tab
+ change ajax in ajaxbasic for generated bulk order
Release version 1.0.6
+ add currency ISO column
+ format Price with currency of Order
Release version 1.0.7
- add currency, iso currency in CSV
Release version 1.0.8, 1.0.9
- Compatible prestashop 1.7.3+
Released version 1.0.10
- add auto export with cronjob
- add utf-8 when export
Released version 1.0.11
- validate license for 2019
- compatible to Prestashop 1.7.5+
Released version 1.0.12
- add Reset button for reset all Form Setting report
Released version 1.0.13
- remove prefix in deleteDataReport function affect to AVG columns
Released version 1.0.14
- fix AVG Price in Product report
- remove useless comment
Released version 1.0.15
- add Products Name column to All, Basic report, Tax, Profit report
Released version 1.0.16
- add multiple stores in filter
- add calendar Today, yesterday, this week, this month, 7 days, 30 days... for date
- fix total report for each report
- add current_stock column to products report
- fix Cache for all SELECR mysql
Released version 1.0.17
- fix wholesale price, gross margin, net margin for multiple currencies in basic, tax, all, revenue
Released version 1.0.18
- add Invoice Number, Invoice Date to basic Tab
- allow export_without_cs: allow export without currency sign in CSV
- fix search date in helperlist
Released version 1.0.19
- update license to 2020
- compatible to Prestashop
Released version 1.0.20
- add customers, total_customers, orders, total_orders columns to products report tab
- change function insertProduct in classes\baviewproduct.php
- fix OrderBy,orderWay in HelperList for all Tabs
- add a menu in Left SideBar
- fix invalid date in Basic tab
Released version 1.0.21
- change wholesale_price to original_wholesale_price for all Report tab
- fix original_wholesale_price for Prestashop 1.6.0.x
- fix Total Cost when a combination changed wholesale price
- add Weight columns in ALL report tab
- add new setting pname_with_breakline: allow change \n to ; when export many products into CSV file
Released version 1.0.22
- add Order reference to Orders's Report
- add Supplier Name to Product's report
Released version 1.0.23
- fix gross_margin, net_margin when product price = 0 cause 504 Bad Gateway's error in product's report
- add some fields to SELECT in function updateAllproducreport
- speed up Products's report updateAllproducreport function to reportsale.php
Released version 1.0.24
- add filter data when export report to CSV file
Released version 1.0.25
- fix updateAllFullReport function in baviewfull.php
Released version 1.0.26
- compatible to Prestashop 1.7.7+
Released version 1.0.27
- add State column for all report
- fix Total products no tax, Products tax = 0 in CSV of Basic report
- add country, id_country column to Credit Report
- update license header to 2021
Released version 1.0.28
- fix function calcDiscount for product with percent discount
- change gross_profit of Basic, Profit, Full, Product, Brand, Supplier, Category, Client report
- fix devide ZERO when calculate % Margin
- add translation files to English, French, Spanish, Italian, German
Released version 1.0.29
- compatible to Prestashop 1.7.8+
Released version 1.0.30
- upgrade license header to 2022
- full translate to 5 other languages
Released version 1.0.31
- upgrade license header to 2023
- compatible to Prestashop 8.x+
- change automatic export with new data
- change to json_encode