Backend Demo
Like/Follow/Subscribe for getting Discount, Vouchers, Coupon Code. The easiest and most simple for boost your website conversion rate and increase your fan base and email lists by pop up special discounts to your visitors.
PrestaShop Better Discount, Vouchers, Coupon Pop-up will help to turn every visitor into potential customer.
Release version 1.0.1
+ confirm & verify email after subscribe
+ click like/follow will showing coupon code
+ fixed show popup once when exit
+ fix CSS bugs
Release version 1.0.2
+ add new feature: Automatic generate coupon code for each client after customer like/follow/subscribe
Release version 1.0.3
+ fix like button
+ change class MAPI
Release version 1.0.4
+ disable popup after customer got coupon code
Release version 1.0.5
+ only show code if has New coupon
+ fix CSS for RTL languages
Release version 1.0.6
+ fix DIV tag error in guide_old.tpl file
+ fix CSS for H4 tags
+ add display: none for default popup
Release version 1.0.7
+ redesign all icon, text in frontend & backend
+ click X hidden popup in 24h
Release version 1.0.8
+ redesign all template with New layout
Release version 1.0.9
+ fix format date From, To
Release version 1.0.10
+ add feature Only display for Guest Only display for New customer (Not yet make an Order)
+ add feature Only display for Guest
Release version 1.0.11
+ add specific pages
Release version 1.0.12
- add Amount include/exclude Tax while generating code
- upgrade to prestashop 1.7
- validity = 0 -> to empty
- fix landscape mode in mobile
Release version 1.0.13
- fix duplicate cookie
Release version 1.0.14
- compatible 100% with prestashop 1.7
- remove rewritebase in ajax call
- change workflow for register Newsletter
- fix style error on prestashop 1.5
- change rewritebase to bacoupon_ajax_path
- load jquery if not exist
Release version 1.0.15
- fĩx discount_validity = 0
- fix ajax for mailchimp in backoffice
- change hookdisplayBackoffce to assignDataBackOfficeHeader
- rename message for newsletter form: You have successfully subscribed to this newsletter.
- set false to listSubscribe, Email will immediately send to mailchimp
- remove load CSS for 1.5 in displayHeader hook
Release version 1.0.16, 10.17
- add content_style class to fix all style in frontend
Release version 1.0.18, 1.0.19
- Compatible prestashop 1.7.3+
Released version 1.0.20
- Compatible to GPRD law
- Add Hide/show Facebook social
- Add option: send coupon code to Email
- Always display Coupon button when popu closed
- add copy coupon button
- change design for Coupon button
Released version 1.0.21
- validate license for 2019
- compatible to Prestashop 1.7.5+
Release version 1.0.22
- compatible to Prestashop 1.7.6+
Release version 1.0.23
- compatible to Prestashop
Released version 1.0.24
- update license 2020
Released version 1.0.26
- update license 2021
Released version 1.0.27
- compatible to Prestashop 1.7.8+