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Prestashop Abandoned Cart Reminder/Alert Pro Module


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(29 Reviews)

3,671 Sold

Software Version: PrestaShop, PrestaShop 1.6.0+, PrestaShop 1.6.1+, PrestaShop 1.7.x+, PrestaShop 8.x+

Compatible Browsers: IE6, IE7, IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome

Improve your conversion rate by 25% (and more), customize email template, automatic email reminder, track & count view, click, checkout from email.

Analytic with chart in daily, weekly, monthly or any date about emails sent, view, click, checkout.


For Merchant

According to recent research the average abandonment rate in the sales sector is over 70%. Some of the common reasons for that, customers tell the following:

- High shipping costs (44%)

- Hesitation, simply being not ready to purchase (41%)

- Too high product prices (25%)

Removing these hesitations with the Abandoned Cart Reminder Module will boost your sales, by motivating customers to restore their abandoned shopping carts.

  • Reduces cart abandonment and improved conversion rate by 25% (and more), Increase store revenue
  • Analytic with chart about emails sent, viewed, clicked, ordered.
  • Send discounts code, coupon directly via the email
  • Recover lost sales, Track uncompleted orders
  • Send cart reminders to get more visitors
  • Preview, send email template for test before send to customer


  • Enable customers to automatically recover their cart (optional)
  • Support Chart for analytic, report emails sent, viewed, clicked, ordered.
  • Auto get Email from Guest while Guest checkout & Exit
  • Following customer since view email, click email, visit and checkout. Track which customers came back and when.
  • Work with Coupon, Voucher in Prestashop (read more: How to Create Coupons, Vouchers)
  • Create numerous templates for a first, second, and third reminder email!
  • Choose the delay period between the first reminder email, second reminder email, etc.
  • Easily view and manage all the Abandoned Cart's Products
  • Send either automatic reminders or individual e-mails right through the module admin panel.
  • Easily create email templates tailored to match your online store’s theme in Backoffice. WYSIWYG editor allows you to personalize the email, create a compelling email content by using text, images, HTML etc.
  • Preview, send email template for test before send to customer
  • Create an infinite number of email templates for every occasion.
  • Custom email name, email subject, email from, email reply-to
  • MULTIPLE placeholders like - {customer_firstname} {customer_lastname} {cart_price_total} {cart_product_count} {product_table}{cart_creation_date} {order_page_link}
  • Include Cart Summary in the customer reminder emails
  • Support both of SMTP and PHP mail while sending email.
  • Compatible multiple language.
  • Compatible multiple stores.
  • and more

Benefit for Customer

Your customers will receive one or several reminder emails after they abandon their shopping carts.

Our Abandoned Cart Reminder will automatic restore their abandoned shopping carts after customer visit website from email.

It makes your PrestaShop store look professional with good, timely customer follow up.


  • Easy to install, easy to upgrade, just copy to use
  • Friendly and flexible configuration
  • HTML/CSS validation
  • Easy to customize front-end via HTML/CSS
  • Clean code
  • Cache system…

Some Screenshot

- Analytics Abandoned Cart, Email sent, viewed, clicked, visited and order

- Manage Abandoned Cart

- Email to individual Abandoned Cart

- view a products in Abandoned Cart

- Manage Email Template

- Add/Edit – Preview/Send test Email in Email Template

- Setting Time for Reminder.

- Setting Email, SMTP or other:

Great customer service ! I purchased many modules of buy-addons brand. The modules work amazingly. I contacted for custom services and they are very supportive. Thanks

Good and fast service. Working codes. Nice value.

I need up to 2 developers and also support from you to make it completely install on our website. However, the result is very perfect.
Thank you so much and good luck with sale

I have had a small issue with the module. I got great support from the company, the problem is fixed and i am happy with the module!

This was exactly what I was looking for at half the price of similar modules on the prestashop marketplace.

Very happy we installed this module. It has helped us repeatedly and saved time.
Great support team. Very responsive and knowledgeable.

Does what it's supposed to do, but I would advice against going with this module since they're not supporting all variables that you may need.

The best module useful for many reasons.
The team are very helpful in case you need help !!
Thanks a lot team !

I would definitely recommend.. :)

This module is working as well.
The team helps us understand the dashboard and make sure we are doing the best
thanks again!


Released version 1.0.1

- fixed auto remove HTML tag in Tempplate Body

- fixed wrong author name

Released version 1.0.3

- change cronjob to

- fix Date format in module

- add unSubscribe to email

- change mail function to SwiftMailer

- fixed token in email template

Released version 1.0.4

- add reminder in Abandoned List

- fixed sort by in helper list

- fixed: Click one cart on to see products -> click on button "Back to list" gives an error about incorrect security token

- fixed email no subject

- fixed no template for reminder but still sent empty body

- Click Unsubsriber get 404 pages.

Released version 1.0.5

- change all fields in database to utf-8

Released version 1.0.6

- fix HTML in email while run cronjob

- fix HTML in email while run cronjob

Released version 1.0.7

- change createFromFormat form PHP <5.3

- change cronjob to in module not use cronjob manager

- fixed pagination in abandoned cart List

Released version 1.0.8

- fixed Date format error

Released version 1.0.9

- fixed cronjob is NOT working in version 1.0.8

Released version 1.0.10

- fixed: your mean when click remove ALL, ONE cart is removed?

- fix price, multiple product title

- make default email for abandoned

- make multiple language for email template

Released version 1.0.11

- change multiple languges for email template to standard

- fixed price in product list on email

- fixed set cronjob after install module

Released version 1.0.12

- fixed some tokens in email template

Released version 1.0.13

+ fix maintain mode

+ get email from Guest while checkout

+ encrypt link in email template

+ add Link to Product in token product list

+ display language columns in abandoned Cart table

+ remove columns language trong bảng listTemplate

+ add utm_source for all URLs

Released version 1.0.14

+ remove ba_abandoned from cronjob

Released version 1.0.15

+ add discount function

+ fix duplicate tracking link

+ fix error encoding in email subject while run cronjob

+ fix auto insert domain to URL in email template

+ fix link in product table

+ do not send email to empty Cart

Released version 1.0.16

+ fix search email in admin

+ fix 404 in product link in cronjob mode

+ fix token dicount is not working in cronjob mode

+ fix token dicount in test mode

+ fix send email test

Released version 1.0.17

+ fix sort, search, pagination il all helper list

Released version 1.0.18

+ fix Send Email function from prestashop

Released version 1.0.19

+ fix reclare class from SwiftMailer

Released version 1.0.20

+ fix Abstract Swift class for prestashop

+ rechange cronjob for send Bulk Email without timeout error

Released version 1.0.21

+ change function in send cronjob

+ add discount for All in reminder

+ change timeout to 30s

Released version 1.0.22

+ developer NEW module

+ remove swift libraies, change it to PHPMailer

+ change structure of ps_ba_sent TABLE

+ remove updateWebservice + all cronjob use Prestashop Service to cronjob hook

+ compatible 100% to Prestashop 1.7+

+ send bulk email from a Server

+ support multiple stores

Released version 1.0.23

+ fix filter language in abandoned cart

+ fix when APC, memcache is enabled

+ fix encoding base64 for Mail in non-latin

Released version 1.0.24

+ fix translate languages when auto sending email

+ fix issue when can not sending to an email

+ update New document

Released version 1.0.25

+ fix Product wrong in Product List

+ does not display Abandoned Cart have zero Product

Released version 1.0.26

+ fix amount, percent in discounts.tpl

+ translate string in discounts.tpl

+ fix SSL in curl request sendmail.php

Released version 1.0.27

+ add Tax include in Coupon code

Released version 1.0.28

+ fix compatible 100% to prestashop 1.7

+ get email from login, register form

Released version 1.0.29, 1.0.30

+ get email from mobile app when exit

Released version 1.0.31

+ add Conversion Rate column in Statistics tab

Released version 1.0.32

+ validate license for 2019

+ compatible to Prestashop 1.7.5+

Released version 1.0.33

+ compatible to Prestashop 1.7.6+

Released version 1.0.34

+ allow set hours, days in float

+ fix DISCOUNT_VALID_DAY in discount

+ fix price in email template when multiple currencies

Released version 1.0.35

+ add translation for text (Tax excluded), (Tax included)

Released version 1.0.36

+ fix link product by language of Cart when send reminder email

Released version 1.0.37

+ center token {PRODUCT_TABLE}

+ update license for 2020

Released version 1.0.38

+ fix unsubscribe controller

+ remove require_once in __construct of baabandonedcartreminder class

+ fix file /sendmail.php, /guestsubmit.php

+ fix sendmailtest controller

Released version 1.0.39

+ Compatible to Prestashop 1.7.7+

Released version 1.0.40

+ fix SQL not valid when sort Order column

Released version 1.0.41

+ Upgrade license header to 2021

Released version 1.0.42

+ Compatible to Prestashop 1.7.8+

Released version 1.0.43

+ compatible to Prestashop 8.x+

+ change header license to 2023

+ change Tools::jsonEncode to json_encode, Tools::jsonDecode to json_decode

+ change PHPMailerAutoload.php file

+ add new option: load Templates existed when manual send it to customer