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Prestashop Import Product with Csv/Excel - Product Importer Pro Module


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(44 Reviews)

6,712 Sold

Software Version: PrestaShop, PrestaShop 1.6.0+, PrestaShop 1.6.1+, PrestaShop 1.7.x+, PrestaShop 8.x+

Compatible Browsers: IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome

BA Product Importer – Prestashop Product Import Module allows you to easily upload, import product information, images, stock, combination, features, variants, attributes, warehouse... into your PrestaShop store. Save yourself hours with Prestashop Import module and make inventory management a breeze. Many of our customers use this module to import their dropshipper feed(s), or simply so they can edit their products in Excel and upload in bulk.

Prestashop Product Importer Features

  • use Ajax import, our module can import thousands, millions Rows from Csv/Excel file with 1-click
  • Import all fields in combination, features, variants, attributes,images
  • Import all fields in warehouse like stock, name, price...
  • Import Shipping fields (weight,height,...)
  • Allow to import attachments to a product
  • (Optional) create NEW category if it is not exist
  • (Optional) create NEW Manufacturer if it is not exist
  • (Optional) create NEW Supplier if it is not exist
  • Support import CSV file in Non-latin languages as Greek, Japan...
  • Support Import Special Price, Discounted Price
  • Import customization
  • Import multiples languages for Features, Product title, Product description...
  • Check Combination by Reference, Attributes, Ean13 or UPC code.
  • Import multiple CSV/Excel files with multiple different settings
  • Import Unity, Unit price
  • Import feeds from any of your suppliers, including dropshipping!
  • Can import multiple languages for product name, description, tag, url, meta tag... in different languages.
  • Schedule your imports to run automatically, no effort required.
  • Automatic import from remote URLs with cronjob
  • Import from local file or remote file, URL.
  • Import from FTP Server with FTP account
  • Save your import settings
  • Compatible 100% with CSV file which exported from prestashop system.
  • Compatible with any CSV/Excel file. Each Product Information (name, price, images…) is a COLUMN of Csv/Excel file.
  • Upload/Import your CSV(*.csv)/Excel (*.xls, *.xlsx) file
  • Add or update prestashop product fields
  • Auto remember fields, config after import
  • Automatically fetch images from a remote server. Import Image from Remote server or URLs with http://, https://
  • Flexible, you can map product fields to any columns of CSV/Excel Files.
  • Supports PrestaShop multi-stores
  • Import your categories
  • Allow process products that are not in CSV, XLS, XLSX file after finish to import. Example: Set quantity = 0, disable products, remove products...
  • Import multiple product images to prestashop
  • Compatible multiple language.
  • Support prestashop csv import
  • Support prestashop 1.6 import products
  • Compatible multi stores
  • Support multiple settings, multiple cronjob
  • Cache system…


  • Easy to install, easy to upgrade, just copy to use
  • Friendly and flexible configuration
  • HTML/CSS validation
  • Easy to customize front-end via HTML/CSS
  • Clean code

Some Screenshot

Step 1:

Step 2 : Mapping & Import

Save time and money.
Very useful, thank you for this module.

Good module
I recommend it for everyone thank you thank thank.
this module help us many many thing to import our csv file

Good module. I have lot of products and I need update their prices. And Its very easy with this module. Also - support is very good.

Didn’t know what to expect when use this module, but WOW!
This is a big module, it help us import 32,000 products as well. thanks thanks your buy-addons team!!!

Does exactly what is says which is just what We needed.
Very pleased.

I just installed this module, the installation was seamless and the settings easy.
So far so good and it looks great on our website.

I found a simple application easy to use, I really like this module

Exactly what we needed for our site. Support is helpful and quick.

Easy to set up.

Developer can not customization for our site.

Great module!! We use it everyday to update inventory and prices


Released version 1.1.0

- fix searchByPath when category tree is in a language, but admin is using other language

- fix find Category Tree when it has 2 the same Category name but Category Tree is difference

- fix searchByPath automatic check/add category_shop if Category is removed

- add 302 status into urlExists function

- move createCat, createMultiLangField function from classes to ba_importer.php

- process other cronjobs when it has a Setting fail or No setting running

- reset baautoimpor_is_run = 0 if curl error in repeatImporter function

- add button in Settings List allow reset All queue, cronjob

- fix when add/update combination, ean13

, upc, reference are empty

- add new field isbn since for combination

- fix duplicate in 1.6.0.x

- add options: disable, delete, set Quanlity = 0 for Products are not in CSV, XLS, XLSX file

- New develope Helperlist

- fix id_product in image_shop table since

Released version 1.1.1

- fix supplier reference for combination

Released version 1.1.2

- allow share stock when import product quantityReleased version 1.1.4

- stop cache while find category in Category::searchByName function

- fix issue: duplicated category

- add indentity product by field = combination reference

Released version 1.1.3

- add Product::updateDefaultAttribute for cache_default_attribute fix price = 0 after import

- add new function $this->updateProductAttributeShop

- remove PNG in moveImages function

- change moveImages function to ba_importer.php

Released version 1.1.4

- stop cache while find category in Category::searchByName function

- fix issue: duplicated category

Released version 1.1.5

- add required Yes/No when import customization field

- move customizationField function from /classes to ba_importer.php

- does not add duplicated customizationField based on NAME

- add Indentity Combination by Attribute ID

- fix inscrease Quanlity for combination when multiple stores or SHARE stock

- enableCache after disable in searchByPath function

Released version 1.1.6

- add new function: importFullFeatures allow import feature from Text file

- allow import multiple values for a feature since 1.7+

- allow import features from CSV that exported from Prestashop System

- change addFeaturesLang, addFeatures function

Released version 1.1.7

- add new function deleteDirectory

- modify saveFileImageZip function allow delete a file, directory after move files.

Released version 1.1.8

- fix multiple shop for PS_HOME_CATEGORY

- fix date_add is not valid for multiple stores

Released version 1.1.9

- multiple stores for ba_abandoned_img table

- add id_shop for indentity product by reference, upc, ean13, product_id

- fix empty MAIN image when founds many products at the same time

Released version 1.1.10

- fix ' and " in import feature_value

Released version 1.1.11

- fix if combination_quantity = 0 then no update 0 for product standard

Released version 1.1.12

- fix function: setCombinationBIE

- delete a Specific Price when redution <=0 in addSpecificPrices function

Released version 1.1.13

- fix function: setCombinationBIE, setCombination to allow import 0 value

- add ISBN field in Infomation tab since 1.7

- Allow Category Name contain /, change Category Delimiter from / to #

- remove Invalid characters: <>;=#{} in Category name in searchByPath function

Released version 1.1.14

- add new fields: location, low_stock_threshold, low_stock_alert

- change insert('stock_available') to updateStockAvailable($data) in SetCombinationBIE, setCombination

- fix function: urlExists

Released version 1.1.15

- change get baautoimpor_id_queue to getGlobalValue

- ba_importer/autoimport.php: always add to Queue before find Setting cronjob

- ba_importer/autoimport.php: get product_end from Configuration

- ba_importer/classes/autoimport.php: change function repeatImporter

- fix isbn field in 1.6.0.x

Released version 1.1.16

- change license header to 2021

- fix addBaAttachments,replacePrice function in ba_importer.php

- add MPN field for Prestashop

- add ISBN, MPN to Identify Existing Product, Identify Existing Combination

- add transactions files

Released version 1.1.17

- add show_price field

- fix no update available_for_order field if no value

Released version 1.1.18

- fix import subcategories by commas

- modify function _GetInt4d of libs/reader.php when read negative number of XLS file

Released version 1.1.19

- fix delimiter in auto import when settings has many another delimiter CSV in classes/autoimport.php

- add params to saveDataCsvToDatabase function

- change substr to Tools::substr in removeBomUtf8

Released version 1.1.20

- full translated module to 5 languages

- validate license for 2022

Released version 1.1.21

- add function baencodeURL into getImageURL

Released version 1.1.22

- add id_setting to WHERE in processProductsNotInFile function

Released version 1.1.23

- move unlink log file to first import

Released version 1.1.24

- fix addBaAttachments function

Released version 1.1.25

- change header license to 2023

- compatible to prestashop 8.x+

- change Tools::jsonDecode to json_decode

- change Tools::jsonEncode to json_encode

- show Settings in Queue on Helperlist

Released version 1.1.26

- fix AND a.custom = 0 when addFeatures

- fix $_array_category_associated when trim null value

Released version 1.1.27

- sort position in checkAttribute function

- fix Remove Combination if Combiantion quantity = 0 since 8.0.0+

- comment Db::getInstance()->disconnect(); in autoimport.php

Released version 1.1.28

- delete ajaxsetting.php file if it existed.

- use pSQL in ba_importer/autoimport.php for id_importer_config

Released version 1.1.29

- fix duplicated tags when insert tags

- fix import feature value = 0

- convert $id_queue to INT in autoimport.php

Released version 1.1.30

- fix Argument #1 must be of type string, null given

- change serialize/unserialize to json_encode/json_decode

- change autoimport.php, ajax_import.php to a controller