Frontend Demo
Backend Demo
Improve your conversion rate by >35%, Create & Manage Subscriber, Mail List, Newsletter, Campaigns, Email Template, Automatic send Mass Email, Track & count View/Click...
Analytic with Chart on any date about campaign, emails Sent/View/Click.
Advanced Newsletter Module will boost your sales
Your customers will be delighted to receive a newsletter with offers that you choose, clean, tidy and identifying a pattern of your store.
It makes your PrestaShop store look professional with good, timely customer follow up.
- Report wih Chart
- Manage Campaigns
- Manage Mail List
- Manage Subscriber
- Manage Email Template
- Newsletter
- Settings Page
Release version 1.0.2
- change cronjob use Webcron in prestashop system
- validated by
- change PHPMailler to SwiftMailer for SMTP
Release version 1.0.3
- compatible prestashop 1.5.5+
- validated by
- change cronjob to
- add hidden iframe
Release version 1.0.4
- modify cronjob for send indivual email / Once
- show message while edit Newsletter
- modify time format in chart
- modify Sort/Search in helper List
- modify translateion for all frontend controller
- validated all fields in form
- change spelling some header table
Release version 1.0.5
- fix email to all maillist while send Newsletter
- add import/export subscriber to CSV/Text file
- move all message to heade
- change status to switch
Release version 1.0.6
- change newsletters class to NEW class
Release version 1.0.7
- change cronjob, not use cronjob manager for manager
- fix createDateTime format on PHP <=5.2
Release version 1.0.8
- fixed do not remove subscriber
- fix Tools:formatdate
Release version 1.0.9
- fixed error 500 while import subscriber
- fix module work on SSL/https
Release version 1.0.10
- add multiple languge for template, newsletters, subscriber
- fix UI of status in helperlist
Release version 1.0.11
- fix load editor
- add prefix BA for all Class
- change multiple languges to standard
Release version 1.0.12
- fix HTML in email
Release version 1.0.13
- fix LOST subject when send email
Release version 1.0.14
- fix bad query
- fix multiple languges while create templates & newsletters
Release version 1.0.15
- fix CURL for 403 Forbidden
Release version 1.0.16
- fix redirect in URL
Release version 1.0.17
- add SwiftMailer library to module
- change Send mail function
- change message for install cronjob (use curl command)
Released version 1.0.18
+ fix reclare class from SwiftMailer
Released version 1.0.19
+ change URL to auto send mail nd cronjob
Released version 1.0.20
+ add translation for all strings
Released version 1.0.21
+ edit /banewsletters/includes/auto_send_mail.php -> /banewsletters/includes/auto_sent_mail.php
+ fix translation function in controller
+ fix Abstract Swift class for prestashop
+ rechange cronjob for send Bulk Email without timeout error
Released version 1.0.22
+ fix validate email in subscriber from admin
Released version 1.0.23
- compatible 100% to Prestashop 1.7+
- change all ajax in backend to ../index.php
- add loading-con to ajax when sending email
- fix hookactionCustomerAccountAdd, add NEW hook AdditionalCustomerFormFields
- sync email from Newsletter Block module
- auto add email when customer checked opt or newsletter while register
- do not allow delete Default Maillist
- use PHP to import Subscriber
- multiple languages when auto sending email
- fix subscriber
- fix an email error stile continue sending
- check unsubscribe, translateion unsubscribes by user's language
- add field unsubscribe_date to subscriber
- modify CSS for newsletter block, popup, checkout
- add token to controler frontend
- report detail for each newsletter
- fix APC Cache
- rebuild document
Released version 1.0.24
- fix Non UTF 8 in template subject
Release version 1.0.25, 1.0.26
- Compatible prestashop 1.7.3+
Released version 1.0.27
+ validate license for 2019
+ compatible to Prestashop 1.7.5+
Released version 1.0.28
+ compatible to Prestashop 1.7.6+
Released version 1.0.29
+ register displayFooterBefore hook for, remove displayBeforeBodyClosingTag hook
+ remove baseDir variables
+ remove hookFooter_asset.tpl file
+ fixed error: Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
+ fix Mail List when register new account on 1.6.x
Released version 1.0.30
+ update license to 2020
Released version 1.0.31
+ Compatible to Prestashop 1.7.7+
Released version 1.0.32
+ allow import Subscriber from CSV with firname, lastname, email
+ change header license to 2021
Released version 1.0.33
+ Compatible to Prestashop 1.7.8+
Released version 1.0.34
+ split SQL to multiple query
+ change license header to 2023
+ change Tools::jsonDecode to json_decode,json_encode
+ change translation to translations
Released version 1.0.35