Backend Demo
Allow automatic export Bulk products, thousands products and upload it to Google Merchant from your store.
Marketing your store on Google Market and Google Search
Release version 1.0.1
- generate Bulk/Mass Products, thousands of products to XML file
- change category to FAST search
- fix image in XML
Release version 1.0.2
- remove category in setting
- move javascript to tpl
- loading icon to right
Release version 1.0.3
- compatible 100% to prestashop 1.7+
- change all ajax in backoffice to ../
- fix stop request when all file is done in ktslprduct.js
- fix utf-8 characters in URL
Release version 1.0.4
- fix identifier_exists field
- fix error Unknown 'google product category' value
- only get category mapped to google category > 0
- set brand_ship, gtin_ship to 1 after innstall module
- change logitical for 2 there options: Export products without GTIN code, Export products without brand
- fix <g:brand>,<g:tin>,<g:identifier_exists> tag
- add mpn field in backoffice
- use cronjob hook
- add options: Set Cover Image for Combination when without any images in general setting
- remove updated_at field when insert to cronjobs table
- remove controller/admin/Bacronjob -> change to classes/
- add cron.php file
Release version 1.0.5
- store products to database before export to xml
- rebuild all module
- add Ireland to country list
- export bulk XML file
Release version 1.0.6
- add price included tax for some countries
- remove <g:tax> if country is not US
Release version 1.0.7
- add full country from
- fix error 500 if products empty
Release version 1.0.8
- allow multiple stores
- remove category
- limit description to 5000 characters
Release version 1.0.9
- fix <g:region> tag for US, AU, JP
- fix checkAttributeCountryRequired function
Release version 1.0.10
- fix line 2414
- fix add/map google categories
- multiple language for google categories
Released version 1.0.11, 1.0.12
- fix bagooglemerchants_google_cat TABLE
Released version 1.0.13
- validate license for 2019
- compatible to Prestashop 1.7.5+
Released version 1.0.14
- compatible to Prestashop 1.7.6+
Released version 1.0.15
- fix sale_price when add/delete new specify price
- change limit_moved to 10
- add time variable when generatecategories
- change importCountry, importCatGoogleToDB method, move them to getContent
- add time variable to all ajax request
Released version 1.0.16
- fix update XLM file if no products selected
- remove old XML file before update new file in rebuildAjax, autoExport method
- fix can not save category when change categories
Released version 1.0.17
- fix wrong price when calculate duplicate Tax with getPrice() function
- change limit, limit_moved from 10 to 100
Released version 1.0.18
- fix flushPriceCache in classses/BASpecificPrice.php
- remove emptty lines, comments in *.js, *.tpl
- update license of header to 2020
Released version 1.0.19
- fix updateAllProductstoXMLTable function: get product actived and are in bagooglemerchants_map_cat
- change $limit, $limit_moved to 10
- change genCategoriesajax in generatecategories.js
Released version 1.0.20
- Upgrade license header to 2021
Released version 1.0.21
- change varchar in Create TABLE to 255
Released version 1.0.22
- add anchor with ID to combination link with changing getProductLink function
- change license header to 2022
Released version 1.0.23
- fix function addProducttoXMLTables
- fix sale_price when country has difference tax_rate
Released version 1.0.24
- update license header to 2023
- change Tools::jsonEncode to json_encode, Tools::jsonDecode to json_decode
- compatible to Prestashop 8.x+
- strip_tags product_description before add to database
Released version 1.0.25
- fix multiple languages for combinations name in addProducttoXMLTables
Released version 1.0.26
- fix CVE in security critical (9.8) in generatecategories.php, basearcategory.php
Released version 1.0.27
- compatible to Prestashop 8.2.x+