Olike is the Complete Mobile App Solution for Woocommerce Store. The design of mobile application suitable for selling Beauty & Health, Cosmetics, Perfume & Cologne, Nail, Oral Care, Shaving, Sun Protection, Baby, Makeup, Fragrance, Hair Care, Men's Grooming…
You can use Olike Store mobile application to connect to woocommerce website, then upload your app to Google Play, Apple Store, Windows Store… Maketing for your store from this app and get more sales, more customer, more money… from your mobile app.
Benefits for Merchants
- You have a woocommerce mobile app on Google Play, Apple Store… with low cost
- Send Notification to customer who installed your woocommerce app when update products or on any Marketing Campaign from Wordpress
- Make your business as professional
- Free marketing your store, get more customer, more sales, more orders, more money… with low cost from mobile marketing
- Free get more traffic when customer share products from woocommerce mobile app.
- Suitable for selling Beauty & Health, Cosmetics, Perfume & Cologne, Nail, Oral Care, Shaving, Sun Protection, Baby, Makeup, Fragrance, Hair Care, Men's Grooming
- Etc…
Benefits for customers
- Get latest information about store, about discount, Sale Off, Coupon…
- View Products, Catalog, Search, Bookmark, Checkout… from their mobile
- Manager customer’s orders, cancel, track Order State… from their mobile. It is simple for customer
- Review, Comment, Rating Product from mobile App
- Automatic get a notification when a their order updated on their mobile phone
- Compatible 100% to Woocommerce
- Multiple languages, multiple currencies
- Automatic synchronous Payments from your woocommerce store to mobile app: if your store enabled any payment gateways from woocommerce, they will immediately show & work on your mobile app. If you disabled/removed any payment gateways from woocommerce, they will immediately hidden from customer’s mobile app…
- Automatic synchronous shipping method from your woocommerce store to mobile app: if your store enabled, created, open any shipping method from woocommerce, they will immediately show & work on customer’s mobile app. If you disabled/removed any shipping method from woocommerce, they will immediately hidden on your mobile app…
- Push Notification from Wordpress website: you can send any notification to a product, category… So When user get a notification, they will click notification to open app for view product on your app (it is very simple and very good for marketing)
- Automatic send a notification when an order updated to customer's mobile (no SMS)
- Support 100% to Coupon, Tax, multiple Tax, Free Shipping
- Support all kind of product in woocommerce: Simple product, Grouped product, External/Affiliate product, Variable product
- Support Review, Comment, Rating products from Mobile App
- Allow Guest Checkout or Customer (logged in) checkout
- Customer can manage their Orders, View Order Detail, Cancel their Orders, track Order State… from their mobile app
- Bookmark products, Manage bookmark from Mobile App of User
- Unlimited Category, Subcategory: Filter by Product features (dynamic data from your store to mobile app), price… Sort from Category page
- Contact us throught a form: Message to email to admin of store
- Synchronous Stock, Price, discounted Price, Images… for each Product
- Rating App on Google play or Apple store
- About us, Terms of Use, Privacy policy page: Allow edit content there pages from Wordpress, so you can change it anytime
- Sign in/Sign Up, Update Profie from mobile app
- Auto loading when user scrolling
- Support Pull-to-refresh to reload data in readltime
- Change Profile, Avatar… Forgot Password from mobile app
- Include Admod, Google Analytic
- Translate to any languages easy from one File in App
- etc…
Technical Features
- Developed by latest version Ionic Framework
- Every screen has page
- HTML5 Hybrid App built with the Ionic framework and Angular JS.
- Use with any Wordpress website in backend
- Included Launcher & Logo design for Android, iOS
- Clean and user-friendly interface
- Lifetime to upgrade: New features added constantly
- Quick and efficient Support
Test before you buy
1.Download App From Goolge Play and test it on Real Android device: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.taydotech.oli
Test before you buy
1.Download App From Goolge Play and test it on Real Android device: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.taydotech.oli
Release version 1.0.1
- fix RTL for each language
- add cross-sell, up-sell
Release version 1.0.2
- add Social login
Release version 1.0.3
- assets/i18n/en.json line 94: add states
- assets/i18n/fr.json line 80: add states
- product-detail.html line 398 add detail.categories[0]
- checkout.html line 315 fix {{'checkout.state'|translate}}, line 324 fix validate, line 351 add ionChange to country
- Aug 30, 2018: upgrade mobiconnector to 2.0.2
- Sep 11, 2018: Upgrade mobiconnector to 2.0.3
Release version 1.0.4, 1.0.5
- Sep 20, 2018: upgrade mobiconnector to 2.0.4
- fix Cache in mobile app with time variable
- fix scroll loading in product detail
- fix footer in product detail
- fix product variations in Shop cart, checkout, order detail
- fix country, states fields in billing/shipping form